Orlando Paralegal Services

Florida-Based Remote Legal Staff Starting From


Hire Smarter. Hire with Florida Paralegal Services.

Are you tired of dealing with expensive salaries, employment benefits, or staffing shortages? Our team is professional, proficient, and prepared to provide on-demand assistance to your firm. At Florida Paralegal Services, we offer the following:

Why Florida Paralegal Services?


Our certified paralegals and legal assistants have decades of experience across a broad range of legal areas, including family law, bankruptcy, property law, probate, and more.


Our assistants provide biweekly reports and invoices so you can directly connect to measure every service we provide on behalf of your firm.


We maintain a commitment to professional development, providing our staff with annual CLEs and access to legal platforms, such as Clio, WestLaw, MyCase, and Lawmatics.


Our certified paralegals and legal assistants have decades of experience across a broad range of legal areas, including family law, bankruptcy, property law, probate, and more.

A team of expert virtual assistants specializing in diverse legal areas, delivering top-tier support for Florida law firms like yours.

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